Types of Dental Aesthetic Treatment

Types of Dental Aesthetic Treatment
Drg Richyani Putri

Having beautiful, neat and clean teeth is definitely the dream of all of us, right? Apart from being one of our attractions, aesthetic teeth also give the impression that we are the type of person who can take care of ourselves as a form of self-love. We also know how beautiful teeth can enhance our appearance, which in turn will increase our self-confidence. Is that right?

Nah, kalau kamu pengin punya gigi yang cantik pastinya nggak lepas dari yang namanya perawatan. Yang paling simpel adalah mulai dari rajin menyikat gigi minimal dua kali sehari, flossing sehari sekali, menghindari makan dan minum yang bisa bikin gigi kamu rusak, dan pastinya yang nggak kalah penting adalah rajin melakukan pengecekkan rutin ke dokter gigi.

Tapi, kalau kamu udah telanjur mengalami masalah gigi yang bikin gigimu nggak cantik lagi misalnya karena menguning, retak atau copot karena terbentur, posisi nggak teratur, ada rongga di antara gigi dan masalah estetika gigi lainnya yang bukan disebabkan karena infeksi atau penyakit, maka kamu bisa melakukan jenis-jenis perawatan estetika seperti di bawah ini.

1. Teeth Whitening/Bleaching

Yellow teeth are one of the dental aesthetic problems that almost everyone experiences, especially those who like to consume foods and drinks that easily turn their teeth yellow, for example coffee, tea. alcohol and cigarettes. If your teeth turn yellow, it's not enough just to brush your teeth so they can turn white again. So, you need to do teeth whitening or teeth bleaching treatments. Tooth whitening treatment is done by rubbing your teeth with hydrogen peroxide where the substances that color your tooth enamel will be eroded by the hydrogen peroxide until your teeth will return to normal.

2. Veneer

Slightly different from teeth whitening, veneer is a type of aesthetic treatment that can help overcome complex problems in your teeth. For example, teeth that are already colored tend to be gray or brownish, the shape of the teeth is not perfect, or there are parts that are cracked and broken, or there are cavities between the teeth, then veneers are the right choice. There are two types of veneers, namely direct and indirect veneers, which depend on the material and how they are installed. Direct veneer is made of composite resin which can be applied directly on the first visit. Meanwhile, indirect veneer made of porcelain needs two or more visits.

3. Bonding

Similar to how veneers work, you can do dental bonding if you want aesthetic treatments that are cheaper but the results you get are like direct veneers. So if you have a colored tooth problem, the shape is not perfect because there are parts that are cracked or broken, but you want fast and cheap results then bonding is the answer. But according to the price, of course, the bonding quality cannot be compared to veneer.

4. Crown

Dental crowns are an aesthetic treatment that can help with more complex problems and are often placed on teeth that have also been damaged by infection, such as cavities in molars. As the name suggests, dental crowns work as crowns to cover all imperfections of teeth from color, shape, to texture according to the material used.

5. Dentures, Bridges, Dental Implants

If the dental aesthetic problems you face make you have to lose your teeth, for example due to an accident or hit, you can return your teeth so that they are complete with dentures, bridges, or dental implants, each of which you can adjust to your budget, comfort and doctor's recommendation. tooth. You can also find out more about the treatment of missing or lost teeth here.


Carey, Clifton M, 2014, Tooth Whitening: What We Know Now, online: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4058574/

WebMD, 2020, Learn More About Teeth Bonding, online : https://www.webmd.com/oral-health/guide/dental-bonding

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