Braces Change Your Facial Posture, Really?

Braces Change Your Facial Posture, Really?
Drg Richyani Putri

Having teeth that are not neat can make us feel less confident because it gives the impression that our faces are not symmetrical, for example, our jaws or lips look more advanced. Because of the problem of the alignment of the teeth, the reason many people want to use braces to straighten their teeth. But, many also want to know if using braces will not only change the position of the teeth but also the shape of our faces? The answer is correct, but it does not mean that our faces have changed 180 degrees. Of course, our faces can still be recognized, but there are a few parts of our face that will be affected by the use of braces, because the shape of the face itself follows the shape of our jawbones and teeth. Well, below are four conditions of irregular tooth position that can be overcome with braces:

1. Overbite

Overbite is one of the conditions that most people experience. This condition is also known as tonggos, which are the upper front teeth that are more prominent than the rest of the teeth. If you have loose teeth, you can try to check your parents if they also have loose teeth, because slack teeth are also genetic. Your parents may have a jaw width that is smaller than the number of growing teeth, which in turn protrudes from the teeth because there is no room for them to grow in an parallel position. In addition to genetic factors, loose teeth can also be caused by the habit of sucking your fingers from a young age, the presence of tooth impact, and also because your tongue often pushes your teeth forward, forming a loose tooth condition.

Loose teeth certainly make your face less semiteris, your upper mouth will look more prominent, especially when viewed from the side, which will disturb your appearance. By using braces for your tonggos teeth, the position of the teeth will be tidied so that the teeth will return to their proper positions. This will make your upper jaw look more balanced with your lower jaw due to the position of your teeth.

2. Underbite

In contrast to overbite, underbite is a condition of teeth in the lower jaw that protrude more than the upper teeth which causes a person's chin to appear longer or forward. The cause of underbite is also the same as overbite, namely genetic factors, the habit of sucking the fingers to the tongue which often pushes the lower teeth.

Braces treatment to make your lower teeth tidier will also make your chin look more harmonious with your upper jaw.

3. Openbite

If you join the teeth in the upper and lower jaw but there is still space between the two jaws, it is called an openbite. Almost the same as overbite and underbite, openbite conditions are also caused by the habit of sucking the thumb as a child, the upper and lower teeth being pushed by the tongue and temporomandibular joint disorders, and problems with the jawbone. The openbite condition makes our jaws look more prominent, which certainly makes the face look asymmetrical. But of course, like the two previous conditions, openbite can also be treated with braces and the shape of the face will follow the position of the teeth after treatment.

4. Edged Teeth

Not all conditions of messy teeth make people feel insecure. One of them is edged teeth, which is one or more canines whose position is not the same as the other teeth. Teeth are often an attraction for someone, but there are also those who feel dissatisfied with the appearance of their teeth, another reason is that they can trigger dental caries because they can make food scraps easily slip. Although teeth are usually not very influential on the shape of the face, many people want to straighten their teeth using braces to make it look tidier.


Malik, Mohammad, 2019, How can braces affect your facial structure?, online:

Santos-Longhusrt, Adrienne, 2019, What Causes Buck Teeth (Overbite) and How Do I Treat Them Safely?, online:

Cirino, Erica, 2019, What is an open bite?, online:

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